Monday, August 23, 2010

Bob and Larry

Doesn't Gabe look excited!!! He was asking all day when we would go see Bob and Larry, and this is the picture I get. :)

Our Little Layla

She is much bigger now, but I had to post the first pics of our foster puppy. This is Layla, our boxer mix puppy. She is now 30 pounds and obviously part shepherd, too, but we love her anyway. :)

Halloween 09

I finally got these pics uploaded. So, I thought I would share. Hope and Matti came in town to go to Zoo Boo at the Memphis Zoo with us, and these are the shots that we got. Matti was Little Bo Peep, Gabe was a monkey (we thought this was appropriate) and William was a Saint Bernard (so he has a keg around his neck, not sure how good of an example this is).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Little Memphis fan in his new sandbox

Sassy, Hope and Mamaw got the little man a sandbox for his birthday. Hope told us about Crayola's new colored sand. So we got some blue sand and filled up our sandbox so we could play. By the end of the day Gabe and I both were covered in blue sand, but we had a great time. And, great news, the sand doesn't stain. Great people at Crayola! Check out the shirt too!! Go Tigers.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pics in the Park

I am blessed with many talented friends, one of whom is a great photographer. We went to the cancer survivors park on May 7th, my big boys 3rd birthday, and got some pics of the boys. Here are just a few.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Boys first bath together

I am very lucky with two boys who love to take baths. This was the first day that they were in the tub together. It was actually Gabe's idea to get William in. Can you believe it; he wanted to share with his little brother. We did have a good time and I think I got some great pics.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gabe's Birthday

We had a small party for Gabe this year. Just a few family. We had a great time and ate some great pizza from Memphis Pizza Cafe. We had a hard time explaining to Hayden that the gifts were Gabe's, but then Uncle Michael told Hayden to help Gabe open some gifts so he was ok. We did have a great time and got some great gifts.